Glass replacement
Did you know that it is considered an offence to drive with a damaged windscreen? Several laws in British Columbia relate to the condition of your windscreen. If you are driving with a windshield with cracks larger than a specific size, you could be issued with an order to repair or a fine.
Regardless of laws, windshield glass should always be repaired or replaced as it not only poses a security risk to your vehicle but can also be dangerous to drive.
We perform expert replacements for all kinds of damaged glass on your vehicle. Our repairs include:
- Windshield & back glass
- Doors & quarter glass
- Roof glass
What to Expect
Replacing glass on a vehicle is usually a very straightforward process that can generally be completed within a reasonable time frame. There are a few simple steps we take to ensure your new glass is fitted safely and securely.
First, we remove the trim from around the old glass using a razor. Cutting the trim allows the glass to begin to come loose so that it is easier to pull away from the car. Large suction cups with handles are applied to the glass to pull the glass away without breaking.
Next, the pinch weld is cleaned thoroughly to allow a secure fitting for the new glass. Dirt, dust, and old urethane can accumulate here over time, and thorough cleaning is essential to create a solid foundation to hold the new glass effectively.
Urethane is then applied to the edges of the weld to act as an adhesive to hold the glass in place. The glass is then carefully positioned to be fitted in place. It is then pushed into place using suction cups, and the urethane is allowed to set.
Typically, the vehicle is ready to drive away within as little as an hour after the above steps are complete.
Why Hire Effective Auto Body?
If you have just been in an accident or need repairs, Effective Auto Body is here for you. With 40+ years of experience and an extensive list of satisfied customers, Effective Auto Body will give you the highest level of service at honest, reasonable prices.